Today the first pictures of Baby Bodin were snapped at around 13 weeks old. : ) Here they are. It is so precious to see that little life inside of you. Praise God for such a blessing! The baby was quite active, turning, moving his/her hands, and kicking. Later in my appointment with the doctor I heard the heartbeat, which was nice and strong. Praise God again! You can see in the second picture (look closely) that the baby's one little leg is straight out--you can see the foot at the end of it), compared to both bent in the first.
Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!!! What a beautiful baby. He/she looks just like her/his Grandma H.
Oh wow!! Those are really great ultrasound pictures!! I mean, they are very clear! A lot of the ones I come home with need a manual to unterstand them. I guess it's because it's a little early, so you can see the whole body. By the time I get mine (at the standard 20 weeks), the baby has less room so you see only a few parts at a time... I'm assuming. LOVE seeing the photo! Keep us all updated! We are so very excited for you... it's hard to express it. I can't wait!
The baby looks very relaxed in the second one sis. I bet u were excited to see the baby for the first time in u at only 13 weeks huh???? I cant wait for August to roll around to see the little one.
Love u very much!!!
Holly Ann
How very precious!!! To God be the glory!! Bill and I are so happy for you both. Babies are such a blessing.
~Sheri B.
What a great moment...hearing that heartbeat and seeing pictures of your tiny little one. We would love to see some pics of the Bodin mommy too. Love you guys!
April, You are sweet. I will put up pictures of me as I progress, as soon as I start to look pregnant. I still do not look pregnant. I actually found out at my appointment that I have lost a little weight in the last month, b/c I was so sick. Also, I hear since it's my first, it takes much longer to show, and I have yet to show. :) I will excitedly post a picture as soon as I actually start to look bigger. :)
I am so excited for you! With my first, I couldn't wait to start showing! It took about six months before you could really tell! Now, I am so excited to see how long I can go without showing (I guess because I've been working so hard to lose weight!) It seems silly! What great pictures! Craig and I cry with every ultra sound! It is so amazing to see that little life inside, and some still say there is no God....hmmmm.
~Emily Houston
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