Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Few Will Pictures

I am so far behind on my posts, I thought I'd throw up a few recent pics of Will for family while I sift through other pictures to see what we've been up to recently. :)  WIth all the snow, and just the busyness of life, we haven't had too many adventures of late.  Will, however, just keep growing and looking older.  I guess that's the way it's supposed to be, huh?  :)  

Here he is in a "before" picture prior to his most recent haircut.

And the "after".  :)

Our handsome little man ready for church. 


Emily's Posts said...

He is so handsome!!! Getting so big!

Tell it to Jesus said...

Dear Jenny,

Your little man is getting so big--and is so handsome. I can tell he is such a blessing to you and your husband.

I always enjoy reading your comments on blogs; always so sweet and honoring to Christ.

I remember you and Carl from when my family and I came back to Westside 6 years ago. My daughter Stephanie and her husband David Lanskey now have 3 beautiful little girls! Our daughter Felicity is 15 and our son Andy is 14. I am praying for a brother or sister for Will, if it be God's will.
With love,
Teresa Olsen