My good friend Jenny told me once that she and her husband adopted a philosophy they heard of treating each of their children as if they were a million dollars (though of course they and we know children are priceless). The philosophy is that if you had a million dollars in a suitcase, NEVER would you let anyone else take it or let it out of your site for a minute, but you would be in constant watch over it and protect it. Children are a priceless blessing from the Lord, so how much more should we cherish and love and protect them than we would a million dollars in a suitcase. So, I have carried this philosophy with me, and am happy to share a few pictures of our first "million dollars".
Baby William Carl (Will) arrived at 7:49 PM Sunday, August 23rd, and has been a constant joy and blessing ever since. He was 7lbs 3 oz and was 21in long. We are loving and enjoying him every second, constantly in awe of God's biggest miracle in such a little package. What inexplicable joy a child brings. We praise and thank the Lord!
P.S. Sorry the pictures took so long--we were without computer and internet for a bit. Please forgive me for the delay.
Full-body shot. :)