Saturday, August 1, 2009


According to my OB, all signs point to our little boy being born prior to his estimated due date (August 24). I have been having contractions, but they are pre-labor (aka: Braxton-Hicks), though some do cause a little bit of pain, but not the final labor yet, my body is doing work in preparation. I have made progress toward labor (without getting into the details), and our baby is measuring big enough and far enough along to be born safely, so we shall see! Who knows when the Lord has his birthday planned? We are anxiously waiting, without trying to concentrate on it too much, in order to keep our sanity. :) Will keep you posted!


I am truly blessed said...

Ah how exciting for you guys. We will be praying for a safe delivery for both you and baby. I am so happy for you guys. What a blessing. We too, are getting excited to meet our next little one....but have a litt more time to go. I cant wait to hear about the safe arrvial of your little one.

Anonymous said...

We shall be praying for you! What a wonderful time in your life. A time that will never be forgotten. Each birth is a treasured memory for me and I know for every mom. Because of the end result....the baby!! We look forward to news and of course pictures of the new little one God has granted you!!
