Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy Trails

Over Christmas we visited Carl's family in Arizona.  We had a fun time, and Will was able to meet many relatives he had not met before.  One day we went out on a family trail walk and let Will explore a bit on his own walking on the way back.  This is pretty pic heavy...I couldn't decide which ones to put up.  :)
The lighting is poor, but I love the picture of these two.
Daddy and Will trekking together.
Will loves to give high-fives when he accomplishes something.
This boy LOVES the outdoors!

This was quite a feat...climbing this hill on his own.
Will made it up that hill!  : )

Will didn't fight being put back in the carrier after his time of exploring...he fell asleep shortly after AND took a long nap when we got home.  All that exploring was hard work!

Daddy carrying his precious cargo back to the car.

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