Monday, February 2, 2009

Childproof Drawer

My Mom sent me this video, and it cracked me up, so I thought I'd share it. Hopefully it will give you a giggle or two as well. :)


Joy said...

Oh man! Jenny that is toooo funny! :) How cute. I never get tired of hearing a little baby laugh. It is one of the greatest sounds! :)
Hope you are doing well. I think of you everyday!! I have to refrain from calling. Hee hee! :) We are doing good here.
Did you get real sick at all with morning sickness? I have only been having touches of it, but nothing too major so far. Thankfully!!

Jenny said...

I know, I love hearing that little laugh. Of course, having dogs as well, we can understand the humor in that, too. :) I am feeling much better this week than I was all the previous weeks. :) I hope you continual to feel well. I love you and think of you daily as well!!

The Browning Family said...

Hey Jenny . .. can't read your text at all... with the new background.

The Browning Family said...

oh wait... now I can see it... different background all of a sudden. wierd. you must be in the midst of changing it.

Jenny said...

Yes, I am. I have bad timing. :)

Jenny said...

Oh Jenny, that is so hilarious! I love it! What a fun video. I am so glad that you are feeling better this week. We are so excited for you guys!! Thanks for posting such a fun video, my kids loved it. Love ya!

Anonymous said...

just a quick note to let you and Carl know that we are expecting number 10!!! We are very excited, and hmmm.. I didn't know about Joy! This is very exciting! Glad you are feeling better! I am sick. Oh well, this helps me think that this will be a healthy baby! ;-)

~Emily H.

Jenny said...

Yea Emily!!! I was quite sick all along the way so far, and am just now coming out of it, though still have a rough first few hours of the morning. :) Glad to hear that I am somewhat normal. :) We love you and are so happy for you!