Carl in front of cabin and woodshed replica.
Inside of cabin (unfortunately there were a couple large tourist groups there, so we had to snap a picture fast...girl signing guest book and all). :)
The pond. The trees you see are all around the perimeter, so make for a lovely hike all around the pond.
Though this is a poor picture of Will and I, it does help show the clarity of the water.
The walk through the woods was so peaceful, it put Will to sleep. :)
The original cabin location (across the pond from the main road/replica site).
My boys ready to eat their picnic goodies!
While eating lunch, we discovered that Will apparently loves acorns. He kept picking them up and popping them in his mouth! At one point he had actually tried to chew one. Silly boy. Anyhow, as a disclaimer, he is holding a candy wrapper Carl gave him, but it was clean of any candy remains when he received it. At the end you will witness his acorn love. :)