Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My Growing Baby

Well, Will is doing great. We have made some visits to family recently, which was fun for them and an adjustment for him. We had a wonderful time. I just wanted to post a few recent pictures here of him now, as he changes so much weekly. He is 8 weeks old now and cooing/"talking" away. He is a healthy size (chubby!) : ) and is high energy, awake often and very alert. He talks to us and watches our every move. I am so amazed at how quickly he went from slowly turning his head and focusing on something to seeing and immediately focusing and whipping his head around. I foresee a very intelligent and very ACTIVE little boy in our future. : ) Also, he is growing his little blond hair back! He had old man head for a little bit there, with no hair except a little ring at the base of his head. We praise and thank God for him daily. His 2 month appointment is next Monday so I will report after that. Here are a few pictures I took of him in his swing recently. What a precious gift!


Renee said...

I know I am biased but he is a beautiful boy. He looks more like his Daddy every time I see him. Thanks for posting the pics. Love you all 3.

Amanda said...

He looks great! Such a blessing that God gave you a little guy of your own! They are so precious!

Jenny said...

Oh wow, Jen!! I missed like, 3 of your blog posts because my blog roll didn't show that you had any new posts! I'm so mad at my blog roll right now! :) I would have come, looked and left you comments! I have a lot of catching up to do! He IS growing!! Oh Jenny, he is so handsome!!